AWS for Genomic Insights

Scaling Annotation Pipelines with AWS

In our cloud computing course, we embarked on a rewarding project to develop a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for genomics analysis, aptly named the Genomics Analysis Service (GAS). The primary goal of GAS is to streamline genomic data processing and analysis, providing researchers and clinicians with a robust, scalable tool to interpret complex genomic information.

In our cloud computing course, we embarked on a rewarding project to develop a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for genomics analysis, aptly named the Genomics Analysis Service (GAS). The primary goal of GAS is to streamline genomic data processing and analysis, providing researchers and clinicians with a robust, scalable tool to interpret complex genomic information.


The University of Chicago

Core Technologies

AWS Lambda AWS DynamoDB AWS EC2 AWS S3 SNS SQS AWS Step Functions


Cloud Computing


May 2024

Dashboard Sidebar Close Up
Dashboard Sidebar Close Up
Dashboard Sidebar Close Up

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Components of the Genomics Analysis Service (GAS)

  1. AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service)

    • Stores input files, annotated (result) files, and job log files.

  2. DynamoDB

    • Key-value store for persisting information on annotation jobs.

  3. EC2 Utility Node

    • A low-cost, highly-durable object store used for archiving the data of free-tier users.

  4. Relational Postgres Database

    • Stores user account information.

  5. EC2 Instance Running AnnTools

    • Executes the AnnTools software for genomic annotation tasks.

  6. Web Application

    • Provides an interface for users to interact with the GAS.

  7. Message Queues and Notification Topics

    • Coordinates system activity and ensures efficient communication between components.

Full Dashboard
Full Dashboard
Full Dashboard

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Core Functionalities of GAS

  1. User Authentication (via Globus Auth):

    • Users must log in to access the service.

    • Two user classes are supported: Free and Premium.

      • Free Users: Limited access to functionality.

      • Premium Users: Access to advanced features, such as larger file sizes and persistent storage of annotation result files.

  2. Submit Annotation Jobs:

    • Free Users: Limited to jobs of a certain size.

    • Premium Users: Can submit jobs of any size.

    • If a Free user submits an oversized job, the system will:

      • Reject the job.

      • Prompt the user to upgrade to Premium.

  3. Upgrade to Premium:

    • Users can upgrade from Free to Premium by providing payment details.

    • Payment Integration: Credit card payments are handled via Stripe.

  4. Email Notifications for Completed Jobs:

    • Users receive an email when their annotation jobs are complete.

    • Email includes:

      • A link to view the log file.

      • A link to download the results file.

  5. Job Browsing and Results Download:

    • Users can:

      • View a list of their jobs (both completed and running).

      • Access the log files of completed jobs.

    • Results are stored for later retrieval.

  6. Data Access Restrictions for Free Users:

    • Free Users:

      • Can download results files for a limited time after job completion.

      • After the time limit, files are archived and only accessible upon upgrading to Premium.

    • Premium Users:

      • Always have full access to all their data for download.

Extracted currency modules
Extracted currency modules
Extracted currency modules

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The Annotations Dashboard gives you a comprehensive overview of the different jobs and their statuses. The request ID can be clicked to view the details of the job.

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Automated Glacier File Thawing Architecture for Premium User Upgrades

When the details of a job are viewed, the results are available to the free tier users for only three minutes. I implemented an architecture that efficiently automates the thawing of genomic files stored in AWS Glacier when free-tier users upgrade to premium. The system leverages several AWS services, including SNS, SQS, Lambda, DynamoDB, and S3, ensuring reliable file retrieval and storage.

1. Premium User Upgrade Event

  • Trigger: When a user links their Stripe account to the Genomics Analysis Service (GAS) and upgrades to premium, an SNS topic navyavedachala_a16_start_thaw is triggered.

  • Action: A message about the upgrade is published, initiating the thawing process.

2. Thaw Endpoint Subscription

  • Subscription: The /thaw API endpoint is subscribed to the SNS topic navyavedachala_a16_start_thaw.

  • Action: Upon receiving the upgrade notification, it begins processing the thaw request.

3. Polling from SQS Queue

  • Queue: An SQS queue navyavedachala_a16_start_thaw is subscribed to the SNS topic.

  • Action: The queue polls for messages to ensure that every message is processed at least once, increasing reliability in case of downtime or errors.

4. Querying DynamoDB for Archived Files

  • Query: Within the /thaw endpoint, the DynamoDB table is queried for jobs that have an associated results_file_archive_id.

  • Optimization: The query avoids a full table scan, keeping costs minimal and efficiently retrieving relevant records.

5. File Information Extraction

  • Metadata Retrieval: The query extracts s3_key_result_file and job_id for the corresponding jobs.

  • Purpose: This metadata is passed to the Glacier retrieval process for accurate file tracking and restoration.

6. Initiating Glacier Job

  • Action: For each archived file, a Glacier retrieval job is initiated using the glacier_client.initiate_job function.

7. Receiving Glacier Completion Notification

  • Completion SNS Topic: An SNS topic navyavedachala_a16_complete_thaw receives messages from Glacier when a file retrieval is complete.

  • SQS Queue Subscription: The SQS queue navyavedachala_a16_complete_thaw subscribes to this topic and captures the completion messages.

8. Lambda Function for File Restoration

  • Trigger: The Lambda function navyavedachala_a16_restore is triggered by messages in the SQS queue.

  • Action: It processes the completion notification and restores the file to S3.

9. Cleanup and Archive Deletion

  • Job Completion: Glacier provides a glacier_job_id upon successful retrieval.

  • Lambda Actions: The Lambda function saves the retrieved file to S3, deletes the archived file from Glacier, and removes the message from the SQS queue.

10. Frontend Integration

  • Status Reflection: The frontend displays the status of the file restoration to the user.


This project deepened my understanding of key cloud computing concepts, including message queues, serverless functions, and tiered storage. It reinforced my ability to design robust architectures that automate workflows across AWS services, ensuring high availability and cost efficiency.

This project deepened my understanding of key cloud computing concepts, including message queues, serverless functions, and tiered storage. It reinforced my ability to design robust architectures that automate workflows across AWS services, ensuring high availability and cost efficiency.

This project deepened my understanding of key cloud computing concepts, including message queues, serverless functions, and tiered storage. It reinforced my ability to design robust architectures that automate workflows across AWS services, ensuring high availability and cost efficiency.